“A HartB é uma empresa de tecnologia que usa inteligência humana para criar Inteligência Artificial.”
– Bruno Ramos – CEO HartB
Nós somos um time de aproximadamente 100 pessoas, de diferentes origens e culturas, vivendo no Brasil e no exterior, atuando em colaboração para implementar soluções tecnológicas para negócios. Desde 2015, utilizamos os dados para orientar a tomada de decisão de gestores, alinhando objetivos de negócios e expectativas do consumidor.
Toda história de sucesso é marcada por desafios e conquistas. Confira alguns marcos importantes na nossa jornada até aqui.
With the opening of a San Francisco office (the third, after Chicago and New York), the notion of building a loose network of geographic offices is permanently rejected in favor of a commitment to a single firm with a shared mission
With the opening of a San Francisco office (the third, after Chicago and New York), the notion of building a loose network of geographic offices is permanently rejected in favor of a commitment to a single firm with a shared mission
With the opening of a San Francisco office (the third, after Chicago and New York), the notion of building a loose network of geographic offices is permanently rejected in favor of a commitment to a single firm with a shared mission
With the opening of a San Francisco office (the third, after Chicago and New York), the notion of building a loose network of geographic offices is permanently rejected in favor of a commitment to a single firm with a shared mission
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